Net Zero Now is the Official Certification Scheme Provider for the Net Zero Sector Protocols - a series of industry standards that defines what Net Zero means practically for businesses in different sectors and what those businesses need to do to get there.
Providing sector-specific guidance is critical - the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a restaurant or a manufacturer will be very different to those of a retailer or accounting firm, but similar to other businesses in their sector. Different sources of emissions mean a different challenge in measuring and managing those emissions, therefore each sector needs its own solution.
The Net Zero Sector Protocols provide that solution. Each protocol is developed alongside key industry partners and sector experts; providing a clear and consistent route to Net Zero which not only complies with global standards*, but is also relevant and accessible for businesses in those sectors. They are designed to give businesses the confidence to start their journey to Net Zero, safe in the knowledge that they are both meeting the industry standards and having a meaningful and credible impact on the climate crisis.
*The Net Zero Sector Protocols are built upon recognised international standards including: The GHG Protocol, The Science Based Targets Initiative and, The Oxford University Principles of Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting
The Net Zero Now Certification Schemes uses the Net Zero Sector Protocols as the standard against which to assess each business’ progress to Net Zero and provide a recognised and trusted way to communicate that progress to their customers, employees, investors and other stakeholders.
Certification Descriptions
On the Road to Net Zero
This is the first milestone of the journey towards Net Zero. The registered certification mark “On the Road to Net Zero” recognises that your business has calculated emissions in accordance with global best practice and set ambitious yet achievable goals in line with the industry standard.
Certification Criteria
- Carbon Footprint: Businesses need a verified assessment of their carbon footprint over a 12-month period, calculated in accordance with the relevant Net Zero Sector Protocol
- Emissions Reduction: Businesses must commit to meeting the short-term emissions reduction targets as prescribed in the relevant Net Zero Sector Protocol
- Net Zero Commitment: Businesses must commit to reaching Net Zero by a given year no later than the “long stop date” as outlined in the relevant Net Zero Sector Protocol
- For more details of the requirements of reaching Net Zero, please see below
To retain their “On the Road to Net Zero” Certification, businesses must complete and publish a validated carbon footprint and demonstrate continual progress towards reaching their reduction targets each year.
Net Zero

The ultimate goal for every business.
The “Net Zero” Registered Certification Mark recognises that your business has neutralised its climate impact by reducing emissions in line with the relevant Sector Protocol and global standards and has compensated for any residual emissions through investment into accredited carbon offset initiatives.
Certification Criteria
- Carbon Footprint: Businesses need a minimum of 2 verified assessments of their carbon footprint, each over a 12-month period, calculated in accordance with the relevant Net Zero Sector Protocol
- Emissions Reduction: Businesses must commit to meeting the short-term emissions reduction targets as prescribed in the relevant Net Zero Sector Protocol. In addition, the verified assessments of their carbon footprint must show that they are on track to meet those targets
- Net Zero Commitment: Businesses must demonstrate that they have invested in certified carbon offsets equivalent to the carbon footprint generated in the previous 12-month period
To retain their Net Zero Certification, businesses must complete and publish an annual validated carbon footprint and details of the carbon offsets initiatives used to compensate for any residual emissions.
The Net Zero Now platform provides all the tools that businesses need to complete their journey to Net Zero in accordance with the relevant Net Zero Sector Protocol, including:
- Sector-specific carbon footprint calculator
- Tailored emissions reduction plans
- Access to accredited offsets
- Bespoke user pages to promote each business’ Net Zero status to potential and existing customers, employees and other stakeholders
For further information, if you have any questions or would like to sign up your business: contact us now at