"The Net Zero Now certification has reinforced the comprehension and understanding of the principles for both our business, and the upskilling of staff to assist clients with their plans to become more sustainable." Michelle Pearce, Practice Director at RRL.
RRL Cornwall: Pioneering Sustainability in Accountancy
Net Zero Now proudly features RRL Cornwall in our series of client case studies, showcasing their dedication to sustainability within the accountancy sector. As a leading firm in Cornwall, RRL has embarked on an ambitious path to become a Net Zero business, aligning with the Net Zero Accountancy Initiative. With active membership in the ICAEW, a key development partner of the Net Zero Accountancy Initiative and Protocol, and a validated footprint from Net Zero Now, RRL is committed to reducing its environmental impact and leading the industry towards a sustainable future. We spoke with Michelle Pearce, Practice Director, to gain insights into RRL’s sustainability journey.

Insights into RRL Cornwall’s Sustainability Journey
How does RRL Cornwall integrate sustainability into its business practices and corporate strategy?
We have undergone a programme of internal awareness raising, starting with a session with staff to ask them what their priorities are and how we embed sustainability, in its widest sense, into our everyday thoughts and actions. This programme has included biodiversity, the triple bottom line and how we encourage others to adopt more sustainable practices. Procurement decisions are made with consideration given to our planet. This was the simplest place for us to start as it tied in well with financial reporting, something which our accounting staff, have an excellent understanding of Staff wellbeing has taken front and centre for some time, and a wider view of the business’s impact in the community is considered in operational decisions. The governance structures are being reviewed to ensure People, Planet and Profit are all considered in unison. The agenda is firmly driven by the Partner Group and due consideration given to sustainability and the wider impact, in all major business decisions.
What motivated RRL Cornwall to pursue the validated footprint with Net Zero Now, and how does this align with your broader sustainability goals?
We knew that the first point in our journey to behaving in a more responsible and sustainable way had to be to benchmark our current position regarding our carbon footprint. We undertook some research on benchmarking tools and found Net Zero Now which was supported by ICAEW as it had a particular understanding of the accountancy industry which would make recording of the data more attuned to how we work as a firm.
How has your certification as ‘On the Road to Net Zero’ impacted your firm and the local community?
Recording our purchasing figures and the process of how we obtain this information has raised awareness across the procurement team on what we are purchasing and from where. We now further consider the sustainability credentials of our wider supply chain, the ethical way the goods are produced and how we dispose of goods. Home working figures has led to us encouraging staff to move to 100% renewable electricity providers, and we address business travel and car sharing as a matter of priority. The certification has reinforced the comprehension and understanding of the principles for both our business, and the upskilling of staff to assist clients with their plans to become more sustainable.

Can you share specific examples of how your sustainability initiatives have positively impacted your firm and the community?
Raising awareness of sustainability issues has encouraged staff to utilise the volunteering days that are provided by the company. These have been in place for some time but take up of the additional days prior to the awareness raising, has been minimal. A recent example of use of a volunteering day is, some members of staff have recently volunteered at a local animal charity shelter clearing fields to make them safe for the horses and other larger rescued animals.
The whole firm volunteered at Newquay Orchard’s Market garden, preparing planting beds, weeding large areas of the gardens and digging up produce. This not only raised awareness of organic produce across the firm, but assisted Newquay Orchard in their ethical, commercial project to reduce food miles and bring healthy food to the local community.

We have assessed our charitable donations as a firm, and as individuals and these are focused on local charities who are making a big difference in the local community, be it via increasing biodiversity in nature or wellbeing in young adults.
How has RRL Cornwall’s membership in the ICAEW contributed to your sustainability efforts?
I have recently completed the ICAEW Sustainability Certificate and I am using the learning to share this across the firm. The Sustainability Assurance programme is being explored to be rolled out across the firm. Sustainability Assurance is under consideration by the auditors as this will increasingly be required across SMEs in Cornwall. The ICAEW became Carbon Neutral in 2020 which is an aspirational goal. We appreciate that Carbon Neutral and Net Zero are very different, the goal is commendable. We are working towards net zero and reducing our emissions as much as is possible. The Sustainability and Climate Change community is a good source of information.
The guidance and resources on accounting reporting and standards also assists with the educational piece for the firm.
What message would RRL Cornwall like to convey to other firms considering embarking on their own Net Zero journey?
Whilst it may seem like a massive undertaking, the key is to make a start.
Reading around the wider topic of sustainability and the climate crisis is extremely useful as part of the process, to build base knowledge and a strategy. Encouraging others to do this, helps with context and overall buy-in. We realised that we were actually doing so much and a few small tweaks to our processes would make a massive difference. Our staff rewards programme has moved from big global brands to small, local B corp or ethically responsible businesses. We have encouraged staff to look at their pension pots and taking a more ethical approach, enabling them to make informed decisions as to how these are invested. We have changed our stationery choices to recycled or ethically produced, along with hygiene products. We requested that our cleaners use ethical eco friendly products and have looked to spread the knowledge and reach to other suppliers through the changes in our procurement strategy. These were really quick wins which have made a difference. Some of the bigger elements will take longer to change, but we have a longer term strategy and Partners are fully behind the concept, recognising the benefits and value of the behaviour changes. Having a couple of champions and good buy in from the senior management will create a drive to achieve a more sustainable business, and some of the small changes can literally be made in a day.
Accountants will play a huge role in tackling the climate crisis, and other firms should see this as both a business opportunity, as another service to offer, and a sizeable responsibility. Firms making the first steps on the Net Zero journey is a good start.

Inspiring the Future of Sustainable Accountancy
RRL Cornwall’s proactive approach to sustainability sets a benchmark in the accountancy sector. Their dedication to reducing carbon emissions, coupled with strategic initiatives and community engagement, highlights the profound impact of their efforts. By leveraging the support and tools from Net Zero Now, RRL Cornwall is driving meaningful change and inspiring others in the industry to follow suit. Ready to start your own Net Zero journey? To learn how our carbon accounting solutions can help your firm achieve its environmental goals and tackle climate change, contact us today.