Secure NHS Contracts with a credible Carbon Reduction Plan

In line with the UK's climate ambitions, the NHS now requires all suppliers to have a Net Zero Commitment or have a Carbon Reduction Plan, respectively for contracts over £10,000 and £5,000,000. This includes detailed scope 1, 2, and relevant scope 3 emissions reporting. Net Zero Now provides the tools and expertise to meet these stringent requirements, securing your path to NHS supplier eligibility.

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Tailored to NHS Requirements

Our carbon accounting platform is custom-designed to meet NHS disclosure needs, focusing on essential data to ease the compliance process.

Comprehensive CRP Support

From setting achievable targets to documenting your emissions reduction journey, we guide you through creating a comprehensive Carbon Reduction Plan.

Automated Emissions Plans

Utilise automated tools for emissions estimation and reduction planning, streamlining the path to compliance.

Expert Consultation

Collaborate with our net zero consultants for bespoke advice and strategies, ensuring your business meets NHS and government supplier standards.

Don't let new procurement requirements limit your opportunities with the NHS. Partner with Net Zero Now to demonstrate your commitment to a sustainable future and secure your position as a preferred NHS supplier.

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What is the significance of PPN 06/21 for NHS suppliers?

PPN 06/21 mandates that government suppliers, including those for the NHS, develop and implement a Carbon Reduction Plan for suppliers with contracts over £5m.

In Q3 23, the NHS announced the lowering of this threshold to £10,000, highlighting the growing emphasis on environmental responsibility.

Who needs to comply with the NHS's Net Zero requirements?

Businesses seeking NHS contracts over £10,000 are required to show a Net Zero commitment. Additionally, companies tendering for contracts above £5 million need a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP).

Why are Carbon Reduction Plans (CRP) crucial for NHS suppliers?

CRPs outline a supplier's carbon footprint and reduction roadmap, becoming a critical factor in procurement decisions as the NHS moves towards Net Zero.

How can Net Zero Now assist in meeting NHS supplier requirements?

Net Zero Now's platform and consultancy services offer a seamless solution for achieving compliance with NHS procurement standards, from emissions tracking to CRP development.

What should be included in a Carbon Reduction Plan?

A comprehensive CRP includes scope 1, 2, and partial scope 3 emissions data, along with current and planned emissions reduction initiatives, aligning with best practices and NHS expectations.